Week 7: SnapGuide Ipad Ap…Verdict is Out…FAIL

Week 7: SnapGuide Ipad Ap…Verdict is Out…FAIL

Hmmm…wonder how I feel about the SnapGuide Ipad Ap. Maybe it’s just me, but I think if you are going to offer a platform that uses images as its main communication tool, then at least include a very small, very basic image editor. I could not crop photos. I could not resize photos. And the … Continue reading

Week 7: Flipped Classrooms… Verdict…SUCCESS, LOVED IT!

Week 7: Flipped Classrooms… Verdict…SUCCESS, LOVED IT!

I experimented with flipping a classroom today and I have to say, it was very fun. For this week’s assignment we were to use the new ed.ted.com, which is still in BETA, to flip a classroom. The following links were very helpful and there is some great content available for resources.     http://ed.ted.com/     http://ed.ted.com/tour … Continue reading

Week 6: Intellectual Property Law and Creative Commons
MOOCs and Open Courseware

Week 6: Intellectual Property Law and Creative Commons

Tonight’s class featured a former UH Manoa Grad student who currently is interning at Creative Commons. His name is Billy Meinke. Many things were discussed during this class, but the most interesting to me were the issues surrounding the death/suicide of internet prodigy Aaron Swartz. You can read about Aaron here. Some interesting discussions emerged … Continue reading

Week 5: Mama’s Little Brainchild, a Look at Cognitive Learning in Designing Instruction
Cognitive Science and Learning

Week 5: Mama’s Little Brainchild, a Look at Cognitive Learning in Designing Instruction

Mama’s Little Brainchild Why is it important to consider the cognitive sciences when designing instruction? Every parent wants what’s best for their children. “Best” can be defined as the best care, the best schools, the best boyfriend soon to be son-in-law—how ever “best” is defined is entirely subjective from one parent/family to the next. Still, … Continue reading

Week 4: The Language of Hollywood, Storytelling, Sound and Color MOOC
MOOCs and Open Courseware

Week 4: The Language of Hollywood, Storytelling, Sound and Color MOOC

One of my favorite literature genre’s includes historical fiction. I love the way historical elements can often provide a realistic and thought provoking backdrop for the exploration of fictional stories stepped in a usually controversial non-fiction context. My favorite historical fiction period includes American Literature of the 1920’s. This was a exciting period in American … Continue reading